022 2533 0043 / 022 2539 3766


  • There Shall be Five examination conducted in every academic year –Unit Test, a Terminal examination before the end of the first term & Four preliminary examinations in the second term.
  • The student should clear the preliminary examination.
Sub First Unit Test First Term Second Unit Test Second Term
English 25 50 25 Theory + Orals 
80 + 20
Hindi 25 50 25 Theory + Orals 
 80 + 20
Marathi 25 50 25 Theory + Orals  
80 + 20
I.T 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals 
 80 + 20
C.S I 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals 
 50 + 50
C.S II 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals 
 50 + 50
Phy 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Chem 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Bio 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals  
70 + 30
Maths 25 50 25 Theory + Practicals  
80 + 20
EVS -- -- -- Project + Orals 
P.E -- -- -- Theory + Practical  
50 + 50


  • There Shall be Five examination conducted in every academic year –Unit Test, a Terminal examination before the end of the first term & four preliminary examinations in the second term.
  • The student should clear the preliminary examination.
Sub First Unit Test First Term First Prelims Second Prelims
English 25 50 Theory + Orals 
 80 + 20
Theory + Orals 
 80 + 20
Hindi 25 50 Theory + Orals 
 80  + 20
80 +  20
Marathi 25 50 Theory + Orals 
 80 + 20
80 + 20
I.T 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 80 + 20
Theory + Practicals 
 80  + 20
C.S I 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 50 + 50
Theory + Practicals 
 50 + 50
C.S II 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 50 + 50
Theory + Practicals 
 50  + 50
Phy 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Theory + Practicals 
 70   + 30
Chem 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Bio 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Theory + Practicals 
 70 + 30
Maths 25 50 Theory + Practicals 
 80  + 20
Theory + Practicals 
 80  +  20
EVS -- -- --- Project + Assignment 
 30 + 20
P.E -- --- --- Theory+Practical 
 50 +50